" It is with deep sense of grief and sorrow that I pen these lines about “Meera Villavarayar”, who passed away recently and attained the holy feet of god Siva. She hailed from an illustrious family in Jaffna and later shifted to Colombo. She had a decent life, keeping up with her family traditions, till she breathed last. I came to know her when I was transferred to the National Institute of Education, Maharagama, as the director, department of Tamil language and subsequently the Assistant Director General, Language Co-ordination Division. "
- Dr.Kumarasamy Somasundaram
Rtd.Assistant Director General
National Institute of Education Maharagama & Family
" It is with profound grief, I write this note on Meera Villavarayar who passed away recently after brief illness. My association with Meera was almost two decades ever since she joined the Department of Aesthetic studies, National Institute of Education, Maharagama as a Project officer in Carnatic Music. I was attached to the Teacher Education Unit of the same Institute and as colleagues was worked together on several projects related to developing the curriculum, syllabus, Teachers’ Instructional manuals in Carnatic Music in the Secondary and post secondary levels."
- CT Rajendram
Retired Senior Lecturer
Open University of Sri Lanka, Colombo
" I came to know Dr Meera Villavarayar twenty years ago when I was serving as the Director of Aesthetic Education Dept of National Institute of Education I would like to remind the past. She dedicated herself in the preparation of teacher’s guides which helped in teaching Carnatic music successfully in the schools island wide. Also she made a great effort in organizing training programs for the teachers with the intension of improving the quality of Aesthetic Education in all schools, Sri Lanka. I noticed that she rendered her service honestly and accurately. She always expected others too to follow her in rendering their services. "
- J A K Kulatunga
Retired Director of National Institute of Education
(Aesthetic Education & Non Formal Education)
Senior Manager Academic Affairs at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology